
“I cannot tell you how grateful I am that Dr. C brought you into our lives. As a mother, I am filled with relief and contentment that my daughter has the tools and support she needs to better express herself and learn about the world around her. I have seen for myself how much she now enjoys reading and also has more confidence doing it. I very much appreciate the role you’ve played in her blossoming.” - P. L.

“Our daughter has grown exponentially since working with Natalie, both in foundational skills and confidence. She has started to take pride in her reading and writing. We feel so lucky to have someone so supportive, flexible, and kind to help teach our daughter!” - A.D.

“Thank you for all the support you provide our son. We are so grateful for you. You are continuing to help build his confidence and have been a great advocate for him.” S.M.

"Natalie has created an environment of respect and rapport with students, classroom teachers, and parents. Her interactions with her students are warm and inviting; this is especially important given that students in her reading groups are receiving intensive support. Natalie demonstrated a strong understanding of the principles of phonics and its instruction as evidenced by her selection of appropriate materials, books, and multisensory strategies; however, she structures the lessons in a way that students enjoy reading and learning new concepts." M.V Learning Coordinator, ECFS

“Working alongside Natalie at VCS was such a pleasure! She is a true specialist who cares about all students, works hard to help them and their families receive the necessary support, and collaborates efficiently with her colleagues. She continues to be a professional I can look to for help even though we are no longer at the same school, and she remains a close friend I can always count on.” - H.G. Learning Specialist, VCS